Unseen Barriers: The Reality of Finding Employment while Unhoused

Today, I wanted to take a moment to discuss a topic that often remains unseen, yet significantly impacts those we serve at City Relief – the profound difficulty of securing employment when you're unhoused.

In an ideal world, every individual would have an equal shot at employment. However, the stark reality is that our unhoused neighbors face immense barriers when it comes to landing a job, much less one that will actually pay a living wage. Crucial prerequisites we often take for granted - a stable address, a mailbox, internet access, a computer, or even a cell phone - are things many of our guests simply don't have. These essentials aren't luxury items, but basic necessities for job applications.

Moreover, critical documentation such as identification and social security cards often elude our unhoused friends. Without a secure place, these documents are easily lost or stolen. 

And then there's the stigma. The unjust prejudice and judgment that unhoused individuals face from potential employers add another layer of complexity to an already difficult situation. 

At City Relief, we strive to address these barriers head-on. We assist with acquiring critical documentation and communication tools, thereby opening doors previously shut tight. 

But we need your help. Share our content and join the conversation, challenging stereotypes and envisioning a job market that truly offers equal opportunities. Together, we can break down the barriers and create real change for those who need it most.

As always, thank you for your continued support and commitment to our cause. Together, we can make a difference.

With gratitude,

Josiah Haken

P.S. Don’t forget, every small act counts. Join our monthly giving team or consider increasing your contribution today. Every dollar goes directly to providing much-needed resources to those in need.


Breaking Barriers: Helping our Friends Have Access to Equal Job Opportunities


Lifelines Beyond Shelters - Access to Basic Necessities