Climate Change and Homelessness: A Crucial Connection

We often hear about climate change and its devastating impact on our planet—melting ice caps, endangered polar bears, and extreme weather events. But have you ever considered how it affects the people who are the most vulnerable?

Climate change has significant implications for our homeless neighbors and those living in poverty. With rising temperatures, extreme weather events such as heatwaves, hurricanes, and wildfires become more frequent and intense, threatening the safety and well-being of those without shelter.

Can you imagine being caught for days in scorching heat or in the midst of a downpour without shelter or protection? Last year, 420 people died in Phoenix, AZ from heat-related deaths; the majority of them were unsheltered. This summer, Arizona experienced over 30 straight days of 110-degree heat. It’s a stark reality of what many of our guests face throughout the year.

 Wildfires, rising sea levels, and coastal flooding displace vulnerable communities, pushing them further into homelessness. As climate-related disasters increase, people who live paycheck to paycheck or on the edge of poverty don’t have the means to bounce back when a disaster hits.

Yet the effects of climate change do not stop there. They ripple through ecosystems, disrupting agriculture and leading to water scarcity and rising food prices. For those already grappling with accessing basic necessities, these changes exacerbate their struggles and widen social and economic inequalities.

The next time climate change comes to mind, let's not just think about the ice caps. Let's think about our fellow humans who are already battling the challenges of homelessness. We are all interconnected in this global crisis.

With your help, together, we can make a difference in the face of these vast challenges.

With gratitude,

Josiah Haken
City Relief

P.S. Don’t forget, every small act counts. Join our monthly giving team or consider increasing your contribution today. Every dollar goes directly to providing much-needed resources to those in need.


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